Revue Française de la recherche
en viandes et produits carnés

ISSN  2555-8560

Effect of thawing method on the microbiological quality of thawed camel meat compared to fresh meat

Freezing fresh meats is standard practice and is part of the preservation and storage habits of most households but this technique makes a favorable ground for bacterial proliferation. This work is aimed at studying the effect of the thawing method on the microbiological quality of thawed camel meat compared to fresh meat. Four thigh muscle samples were taken to enumerate aerobic mesophilic flora, fecal coliform, Staphyloccus aureus and Salmonella of fresh meat (FM) and thawed meat. Four types of thawing were carried out: in the refrigerator (MR4 ° C), in the open air at room temperature (MA), in cold water (MCW) and in hot water (MHC). The results obtained showed good microbiological quality between the different thawing methods that did not exceed the standards

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